Listen to Dr Phathokuhle Zondi, Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) and Virgin Active Expert, chatting to Barret Edelstein on the Optimal Optimism podcast.
The Optimal Optimism podcast made active by Virgin Active is all about empowering listeners by giving them practical tools to create a positive and abundant life.
In this episode, Dr Zondi talks about Energy balance, maintaining health and wellbeing and how exercise affects your body’s natural systems.
How do we listen to our bodies to create a life of full functionality on a day-to-day basis? And what tools do we need to understand to have a 100% productive body?
Hop on the bike or treadmill, pop your headphones on and listen to find out:
Dr Zondi is a Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) Physician experienced in clinical sports medicine, executive management, and leadership. Her life mission is to use sport/physical activity as a tool for socioeconomic development and as a platform that facilitates transformation, equity and inclusion. She’s not just a physician and strategist in high-performance sport, but also an avid athlete who loves sport and wants to use it to change the world.